'Centuries ago, a historian remarked that the characters engraved on the Taishan Monument looked like white sunshine after the showers of late autumn had passed.'
(Yasushi Inoue, The Hunting Gun)

Sunlight, streaming forth upon natural vistas, is stirring and breathtaking.  We do not know what the calligraphy on the aforementioned Taishan Monument was like as it has long since fallen apart.  We can only imagine it by observing the sunlight and its shadow.

In “Shape of Sunlight”, I sought to bring my audience closer to the subject I had studied in the two years prior. Armed with the remains of countless attempts to capture the figures documented in Changing with Seasons, I invited visitors to write on the shape of sunlight, and share what brought them joy. Many of the messages I received captured the great joys of life, ranging from “friendship” and “freedom” to “nature”. But I was struck in particular by that of one submitter, who wrote:

"I am becoming blind.  If my eyes could be cured, I would be very happy."  

It was this message that spurred me to create a project that could enable all people, sighted or not, to enjoy art—the project that became Touching.

~ 井上靖 《狩獵槍》




象小姐看了六百多張“快樂的信息”,發現超過一半的人認爲跟朋友在一起時最高興,當中有很多說跟朋友分享美味的食物最開心,也有些人說有自由、民主、滿足的心、能享受大自然等就會很開心。然後,有一張短菚讓象小姐的心情給凝住了,上面寫著 “我會盲,如果我眼睛有得醫,我會好快樂!” 象小姐衷心希望寫這短訊的人可以得償所願,而且視力可以比以前更佳更清晰。無論如何,她決定下次展覽一定要讓所有人,不論他們能不能看得見,都可以同樣地欣賞藝術。