I consider myself an apprentice of nature, and see my creative process as a means to contemplate my relationships with the environment and with other people, and to better understand my cultural heritage. 

Instilled with ancient Chinese cosmology, I see human beings and nature as one.  But contemporary people, particularly the urban dwellers, tend to consider themselves being separated from the environment.  I think art can be a channel through which people can be reunited with nature.  I work with natural elements, intangible or ephemeral, such as light, water, wind, sound and plants, as well as Chinese calligraphy, seal engraving, drawing, photography, sculpture and installation, etc.

Believing in the power of art in connecting people socially, emotionally and spiritually, I engage the audience in different stages of my creative process and seek to connect people with one another and with nature, and to give voice to those who are hardly heard.  My projects tend to be ongoing.  There is a beginning but no ending, as lives go on.  

— Miss Elephant